NishishibaFuji Electric

Stark Engineering Ltda.

Electric, Electronic and Mechanic Maintenance
Federal Register (CNPJ): 36.173.920/0001-59
State Register (ICMS): 84.069.426


Generators AC/DC

Power and Control Electric Circuits



Great experience, technical and material resources for rewinding small, medium and large generators. Rewinding experience in generators from Siemens AEG, Toshiba, Delco, Leroy, NEBB, ASEA, GE, Stamford, Negrini, Jeumont, BBC, AVK, Terasaki, Nishishiba, Spectrum, etc. All necessary materials for emergency rewinds on stock (wire, varnish, cables, chemical product, etc.). Modern equipment for static test (loop test, Wheastone bridge, insulation test, etc.).


Installation and Alignment:

  • Installation of generators.
  • Installation of new machines.
  • Laser alignment.
  • Resin application (chock fast).
  • Vibration tests and measurement.
  • Local balancing of equipments.


Preventive Maintenance:

Cleaning on situ using electro cleaner, drying using infrared lamps and heating elements, measurement and adjustment of all parameters according to manufacturer drawings.

Cleaning on our workshop using "high pressure machines", electro cleaners, drying on stove and application of insulating varnish.

Measurement and adjustment of electric and mechanical parameters.